Wednesday 2 February 2011

the PRODIGAL woman
nicholas ayoola oladehin

full of mischief
cunning and unstoppable
an exact copy of Eve
a replica of Delilah
born of a woman like all men
learning the trade of the barking clan
right from her youthful days
she melts into the night unseen
carrying her wares as she goes along
yearning for so much more
even though she lives in luxury.
she is a wife to a thousand men
a concubine to a thousand more.
she delights
in sharing the beds of her men
she loves with her body
and gives with her heart
and her soul is free for all to share.
she adorns herself with diamonds
and she swims in piles of gold
she changes her partners like tissue
selling her wares on sale
her once radiant frame
becomes a shadow of itself
gradually depreciating
revealing an image of wear and tear
she has travelled the world
deflowered by a thousand men
of a thousand tribes
now she retraces her steps
back to
in search of her very first love.

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