Saturday 29 January 2011

Bon Voyage Feb 14th
nicholas ayoola oladehin

there’s a virus in the air,
its called the St. Valentine.
oh my God,
i really hope i don’t catch it.
for it makes the strong weak
and the weak strong
...especially the feminine fold.
funny enough,
while still incubating,
a handful of girls
have caught the bug
and have been transformed
gradually into angels
smiling, giggling and being nice.
But hey, i still haven’t forgotten,
Eve, you handed me the forbidden fruit
way back in Eden
i know you by name
so, stop being a saint.
kudos to men of great sights
that pierces through fogging dark
Eve has decided to change her birth date
like most girls
they now share the birth date
with St. Valentine.
But i say, ''bring it on Eve''
when the time and date approaches,
we will meet you
with lost purses
lost wallets
lost credit cards
empty accounts
and lots more...


  1. AY! someone I know would disagree with this, but it's a great piece mehn. So true, girls, please learn that, the wallets and credit cards have gone missing. lol


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